Before the last two seminars was presented, we discuss our projects as result of the activity in Alina e Kien seminar.
Here is what Xiaoting, Xinyi and I had worked on:
The short time and the limitation of material shaped our projects and make us take in consideration material we wouldn't have thought before, like cut few air and use them to make a brush.
Siyi and Yudi were the seventh couple to present they seminar. The title was Art Therapy and they talked about how art can be used as therapeutical method through sensory stimulation for example. Then they asked us to share how we release stress, what method we use. The answers were various, such as listen to music, drawing and physical activity. Mine was jogging/running, because I can free my mind thinking about everything while I'm running and a release stress both physically and mentally. Listening to music help me too: it gives me energy and enthusiasm during the session. I noticed that the rhythm of the songs scan the pace at my feet, maybe that's why I usually make a playlist with lively tune.
The last couple to present their seminar were Xinming and Wang. The title was Body and Mirror, how people's behaviors affect and reflect with each other but because of the social isolation, they shifted their focus on Symbolic Portrait. Their presentation showed various Avant-garde movements that had reinterpreted the theme of the portrait. Then the activity was look at the picture in the camera and draw a self portrait in a symbolic, abstract, cubist way so that the others could see how we see ourselves. After that, we had to draw the portrait of the person in the upper right corner of the mosaics created by the video call, and the rest of the group had to guess who the person was. I was like to see a person through his/her eyes, so discover how he/she think about hi/herself, what he/she enphasise.