Yufeng and Xinyi were the first couple to present they seminar. The title was Symbolisation Surgery. They talked about symbolism and the meaning some figures have and what they represent. They highlighted also how the change of our society with the technology development added other symbols.
As activity at the end , they asked us to pear us, tell each other what happened to us one year ago and make a symbol for the other one that represent what said. After that, we had to draw a symbol for how we see ourself in the present and discuss all with the class.
These are some of the results:
It was nice to have some times to reflect on the past and on the present, in order to realize what we need to be focus more on what we want to achieve. I admit that working on my project make me think about the imminent future but not always on the distance one. Besides, this MA should also help us reflect on where we will work once it will finished so have it in mind is part of our growth.
In this way we have also the chance to know better all the other classmates, usually always busy working on their projects.
Yiyuan and Xiaoting were the second couple to have the student-led seminar. It was "Potential of Play": as the title suggests, they focus their attention on the playful aspect of design and how it change the way to project objects. Then they run a workshop asked us to divide in groups, write a list of everyday action we find boring, pass it and choose few actions and rethink an object for it.
Usually designers make object that solve a problem but not always think how that problem could be solve in a joyful and playful way. Also because, as it come out from the workshop, the results where more funny than useful. But for sure it helped us to take unusual way to develop the project.
An interesting project they show for my practice is Toio, a papercraft creature.