The presentation of a project long a year in 5 - 7 minutes its quite difficult, with all the mistakes and experiments made and more difficult is to explain it in a clear and exhaustive way to the audience, without giving for granted anything. What I consider important to show for understanding my practice are the development of the experiments about the shapes and their movements. That is the core, because from it I can then design how make them assume various shapes. I observe the characteristics of an experiments, then follow tests on and with it and then redefine the aim in order to make it work with the right mechanism both mechanical and electronic.
Here it is the presentation:
The questions and the suggestions at the end of the presentation highlight what it need to be adjusted. One in particular gave me the chance to clarify the started inspirations: Esmond asked me if the movements of the polyhedrons that I was making were further connected to the geometry governing cosmic movements because I talked about Kepler Mysterium Cosmographicum. I answered that I took him as an example of how scientists and researcher have used geometry, and in particular regular polyhedr,a to research and understand an idea of beauty, harmony, perfection, precision and equilibrium in the opposites in the world. He studied the cosmo and depicted it with platonic solids, I study the movement with them as media. Another questions was about the problems we got because of the social isolation: the absence of audience, so the absence of interaction. As that is the key of my work, I planned to show the functioning of the kinetic sculpture by me, since a singular person is enough to trigger it. Oscar suggested me to have a look at an artist, Stelarc, who make his installation work from remote, allowing people to send the command from the internet.
Watching my peers' presentation, I realised I miss an important part, again: the references. I mention two of them as starting point for my research about geometry but I haven't indicate the fundamental artists who helped me to develop my practice. I will adjust this presentation in order to make more clear what is my aim too, after explained what I am doing and how.