From the book of Warren, L. (2010) Alexander Calder and Contemporary Art: Form · Balance · Joy, I was looking for examples of kinetic sculpture related to my project and I bumped into Jason Meadows, an artist who make sculptures using different part of objects.
I wrote down some quotes from the book:
- Meadows’ sculptures often begin with a conceptual construct and then take shape by way of a practice grounded in the stuff of the everyday.
That is exactly what I wanted to do disassembling and collecting parts from tolls and machineries.
-Our relationship to a sculptural object, what Burton refers to as the potential for a discursive exchange between “a three-dimensional thing and a three-dimenaional viewer”, is key to understanding Jason Meadow’s practice.
With this last quote I tried to question how my viewers should watch at my sculptures and what I would like they see. Also it add another potential way to let the viewers engage with my practice. I think spectators can establish a relationship with my artworks because they are directly involve with it, because they are are the trigger. So I will work more on how involve them in a pleasant way and not force to play with the sculptures.