Picasso it wasn't only a painter, but he experimented with ceramic too, from 1946 to 1971. I discover it at the exhibition at the MIC, International Museum of Ceramic, in Faenza, close to my home city.
I really liked his eclectic nature and I notice that even if the media is different, he kept his personal way to represent and reinterpret objects.
(Collection of books about ancient and popular ceramics that Picasso used to study and as source of inspiration)
This is what I think I need to develop with my practice: my own language and way to develop messages though different media. Kinetic sculptures are my starting point, which are already influenced by my industrial design background.
I also report his quotes that I saw at the exhibition as a professional reminder for the develop of my practice.
"I want to lead the mind in a new unusual direction and awake it up."
"What is sculpture? What is painting? Everyone climb up towards out of fashion ideas and worn-out definitions, as it wouldn't be the artist role to supply new ones."
"When you start a portrait and look for a pure shape, a clear volume, through a series of elimination, you reach inevitably the top.
Analogously, to start from the top and follow the opposite process, it arrive to the portrait. But I believe art avoid this these simplistic exercises that consist to go from an end to the other.
It is necessary to know where to stop."