As I have been expired by two artists and sculptors who create their sculptures from taking and gathering pieces from other machineries, I started to go around in the streets and looked for broken machines which I can bring home, so little - medium size. My intentions are disassembling them and then use their pieces and so have material to use to make my sculptures to explore movement.
The first thing I did when I brought the printer founded in the studio has been analyzing how it was assemble from the outside, simple and general point of view:what could have been the movement of the elements to make it work. When we think about a printer like that, we may think directly and only about the movement that the paper and the laser ink do but behind there are a lots more elements that need to move and be moved in order to produce those elementary movement and have a sheet of paper printed.
Both mechanic and computerized movement are participating and co-operate together: they triggered and are triggered each other.