The first day was tough because even if we were prepare as much as possible, we didn't know how people would have engage and interact with our installation but we were ready to receive them.
I consider this experience really important for my professional growth because I made something I don't like so much and I am not so good at: interact with the audience.
Doing it there it was a bit easier because I was with my colleagues who were doing the same and I could ask help to in the real time. I have to admit that I wanted to change station after few hours at the beginning at the coffee block station but then few children came and really enjoyed it. That enthusiasm and good energy gives me a positive mood and helping me to enjoy what I was doing and not do it just because I had to in order to finish this Tate Exchange project, so I kept working there more relaxed and not afraid about what people would have asked me and how answer them.
I also helped curating the information part with a playlist of videos about the production of the coffee with others classmates. I had to keep in mind other people would have got those information and I couldn't show too boring videos because I wanted people receive those information.